Monday, May 19, 2008

The next project(次の作品のアイデア)

I've been very busy a couple week but I was thinking about next project.
I took some pictures for next etching on Sunday afternoon.
These are the pictures I like soft lighting and light and shape shadows.
I think it's technically very difficult to do etching. I've never tried to do photo-etching but I may try!? I heard it's not easy to do. I don't decide it yet. I'm going to think of it.
Maybe it looks nice to painting too I guess. It's a new type of still life.
Okay, See you!
( Matane!)


joseph's art and stuff said...

I like this bottom picture I think something like that would great a painting or an etching. Good luck on your next project.

Mayumi Takagi said...

Thank you!
It's good to have a painting to the top picture. And the bottom picture is for etching I think.