Aran is my friend of mine. His appearance is like Three Musketeers. I wanted to make his sculpture. So I asked him to sit for me about four years ago. At that time, I promised him create a copy. I made the busts with two different patina. A dark one is for him. Finally he picked it up last night. He changed his hair style but it's the same mustache. I took a souvenir picture for him with his busts. 三銃士の様な風貌の友人のアランに彼の彫刻を作らせてくれと頼んだのが、4年前。その時彼にも同じ彫刻を作って上げると約束した。昨夜やっと彼が彫刻を受け取りに来てくれた。ヘアースタイルを変えていたけど相変わらず髭は凛々しかった。ブロンズ色の方を彼に。そして、2つの彫刻とアランとで記念写真を。