I etched the shadow of the thread by soft ground. While etching the plate, some parts on the top left and around the scissors which should be white, were also accidentally etched. And I was shocked to find it when I printed it out. I fixed them by varnishing the plate today. My hands are still in pain. In the picture of the two images I tried the different colors. ソフトグランドで糸の影を板に腐食させました。仮刷りしてみたら腐食して欲しく無いとこ、例えばハサミの周りの光が当たっている所まで黒くなっていて、ショック!その修正、銅版の凹凸をつぶしていく作業を今日一日やって、手が痛いです。写真は赤い糸の色と全体の色を違うインクを使って刷ってみました。クリックすると拡大写真が見れます。
This is a third stage of the picture. I made another plate for a thread to add on the print. So I have two plates for one image. I was working on the scissors' shadow, it's very subtle, perhaps too subtle to make out. And I'm going to change the color of the thread which must be a deeper red. I hope I'll finish working on the print before the end of the month. 先週から引き続きこの作品の製作をしてます。今週、もう一枚赤い糸用の板を製作し,2枚の板を重ね刷りしてみました。そして、テーブルの上のハサミの影を少しソフトにしたんですが、ほとんど違いが分からないかもしれませんね。赤い糸はもっと深みがある赤にしようと思ってます。今月中に出来上がるといいなと思っているんですが、版画は絵画や彫刻と違って思うようにならないので、どうでしょう。
This picture is a second stage of a next print. I like the bobbin and its shadow but the entire image needs more aquatint. I think I'll work on it more.
Born in Fukuoka, Japan, I've been active in the New York art scene since 1998. I'm a painter, sculptor and printmaker. I explores both representational and abstract themes in my work.
I've participated in numerous exhibitions, both in the United States and Internationally.